Noticias & Actividades
Publicaciones (ISI)
- P. Merino and E. Hernández, A locking-free optimal control problem with $L^1$ cost for optimal placement of control devices in Timoshenko beam, submitted.
- A. Allendes, G. Campaña, and E. Hernández. Pointwise error estimations for a generalized Oseen problem and its application to an optimal control problem, submitted.
- C. Domínguez, E. Hernández, and R. Prato. On the error estimates for a Boundary Element Methods for Dirichlet Optimal Control Problems, submitted.
- E. Hernández, C. Spa, and S. Surriba. A non-standard MITC4 method for dynamical behavior of cylindrical thin shells, Meccanica, 53(4), 1037-1048, (2018).
- C. Domínguez, E. Hernández, and R. Prato. Local active control for an exterior fluid-structure interaction problem, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol 111 (12), 1103-1119, (2017).
- J. M. Cascón , A. Engdahl, L. Ferragut, and E. Hernández. A reduced basis for a local high definition wind model. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol 311, 438-456, (2016).
- A. Allendes, E. Hernández, and E. Otárola. A robust numerical method for a control problem of singularly perturbed equations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 72 , no. 4, 974–991, (2016).
- P. Braun, E. Hernández, and D. Kalise. Reduced-order LQG control of a Timoshenko beam model. Bull Braz Math Soc. New Series, 47(1), pp 143-155, (2016).
- C. Spa, A. Rey, and E. Hernández. A parallel GPU implementation of an explicit compact FDTD algorithm with a digital impedance filter for room acoustics applications. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 23 (8), pp 1368 - 1380, (2015).
- E. Hernández, C. Spa, and S. van Caloen. A Finite element approximations of a structural acoustic control problem with a Timoshenko beam interface, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 424, pp. 1125-1142, (2015).
- C. Spa, P. Reche-Lopez, and E. Hernández. Numerical Absorbing Boundary Conditions Based on a Damped Wave Equation for Pseudo-Spectral Time-Domain Acoustic Simulations, The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 285945, 9 pages, (2014).
- E. Hernández and D. Santamarina, Active control of sloshing in containers with elastic baffle plates. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 91, pp. 604-621; (2012).
- T. Barrios, R. Bustinza, G. García, E. Hernández. On Stabilized mixed methods for generalized Stokes problem based on the velocity-pseudostress formulation: A priori error estimates. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol. 237-240, pp. 78-87; (2012).
- P. Gamallo, E. Hernández, and A. Peters. On the error estimates for the finite element approximation of a class of boundary optimal control systems. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. 32 (4), pp. 383-396, (2011).
- E. Hernández and E. Otárola. A superconvergent scheme for a locking free FEM in a Timoshenko optimal control problem. Zamm-Z. Agnew. Math. Mech. 91, 4, pp. 288-299, (2011).
- D.
Kalise, E. Hernández, and E. Otarola. A locking-free scheme for the LQR control of a Timoshenko beam. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 235, pp. 1383-1393, (2011).
- A. Allendes, G. Barrenechea, E. Hernández, and F. Valentin. A two-level Enriched finite element method for a mixed problem. Mathematics of Computation. 80(273): pp. 11-41, (2011)
- D. Kalise, E. Hernández, and E. Otarola. Numerical approximation of the LQR problem in a strongly damped wave equation. Computational Optimization and Applications. 47, pp. 161-178, (2010).
- P. Gamallo and E. Hernández. Error estimates for the approximation of a class of optimal control systems governed by linear PDEs. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 30 (5), pp. 523 – 547, (2009).
- E. Hernández and E. Otárola. A locking free FEM in active vibration control of a Timoshenko beam. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 47(4), pp. 2432-2454, (2009)
- E. Hernández and L. Hervella-Nieto. Finite element approximation of free vibration of folded plates. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 98, pp. 1360-1367, (2009).
- E. Hernández, Finite element approximation of the elasticity spectral problem on curved domains, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 225, pp. 452-458, (2009).
- E. Hernández, E. Otárola, R. Rodríguez, and F. Sanhueza., Approximation of the vibration modes of a Timoshenko curved rod of arbitrary geometry. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 29, pp. 180-207, (2009).
- E. Hernández, E. Otárola, R. Rodríguez, and F. Sanhueza., Finite Element Approximation of the Vibration Problem for a Timoshenko Curved Rod. Revista de la Unión Argentina, 49, pp. 15-28, (2008).
- E. Hernández, Approximation of the vibration modes of plate and shells coupled with a fluid. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Trans. of the ASME 73, pp. 1005-1010, (2006).
- E. Hernández, Approximation of the vibration modes of a plate coupled with a fluid by low-order isoparametric finite elements ESAIM: M2AN (Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis) 38, pp.1055-1070, (2004)
- E. Hernández and R. Rodríguez, Finite Element approximation of spectral acoustic problems on curved domains. Numeritche Mathematik, 97, 131-158, (2004)
- R. Durán, E. Hernández, L. Hervella-Nieto, E. Liberman and R. Rodríguez, Error stimated for low order isoparametric quadrilateral finite elements for plates. SI A M Journal on Numerical Analysis, 41, 1751-1752, (2003)
- E. Hernández, L. Hervella-Nieto and R. Rodríguez, Computation of the vibration modes of plates and shells by low order MITC quadrilateral finite elements. Computers and structures, 81, 615-628, (2003)
- E. Hernández and R. Rodríguez, Finite Element approximation of spectral problems with Newman Boundary Conditions on Curved Domains. Mathematics of computation,72, 1099-1115, (2003).
- G.N.Gatica, E.C. Hernández and M.E.Mellado, A domain decomposition mathod for linear exterios boundary value problems. Applied Mathematical Letters,11, 6, pp. 1-9, (1998).
Publicaciones (No ISI)
- M. Zambra, J. Fernández, E. Hernández, D. Pasten and V. Muñoz. Current Sheet Thickness in the Plasma Focus Snowplow Model Journal of Plasma Fusion and Research Series, Vol 8., 2009
- E.Hernández, L.Hervella-Nieto, and R.Rodríguez, Computation of thevibration modex of plates and shells coupled with a fluid. Computational machanics, XXI, S.R. Idelsohn et al., eds., pp 2453-2162, AMCA, Santa Fe, 2002.